Erste Asset Management (EAM) coordinates and is responsible for all asset management activities within Erste Group. At its locations in Austria, Germany, Croatia, Romania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary, it manages assets of approximately 61 billion Euros.

From July 2018 until end of November 2018, an in-depth evaluation for various solutions allowing Erste Asset Management to improve both efficiency and effectiveness of legal-reporting of several funds-related ocuments was conducted, considering both existing in-house solutions of EAM internal IT, as well as solutions of external providers.

Within the scope of a comprehensive analysis of the current situation and the requirements to achieve the desired target status, a catalogue of requirements was drawn up, which served as the basis for the subsequent solution comparison and evaluation of the individual solutions. Together with the stakeholders from the affected departments as well as the internal IT, the best strategic variant for EAM was identified.

During the subsequent project incubation for the projects to be implemented, a Project Charter, a Business Case, as well as initial resource and milestone plans were drawn up and aligned. For the integration of the projects into the respective decision-making bodies, accompanying slides were created to support and ease the decision-making process. The assignment ended as planned  when the prepared projects were handed over to the designated internal project managers of Erste Asset Management.