HP IT-Solution GmbH is the joint IT subsidiary of hypobanks and well-known (private) banks in Austria
On behalf of AUKOS, from August 2018 to November 2019, the organisation and implementation of a tender for a new software solution in the securities area was handled for HP IT-Solution, as well as project management for the project.
Within the scope of a two-stage selection process, the requirements for the new solution were recorded and prioritized in workshops together with business experts of the participating banks in order to develop a requirement-oriented, weighted, objectified evaluation matrix. This served as the basis for the following invitation to tender to potential suppliers.
With the help of the applied procedure, it was possible on the one hand to quickly eliminate those suppliers who could not meet the required MUST criteria or who did not meet the requirements due to other circumstances. The objectified ranking of the suppliers based on the agreed priority and weighting minimised the risk of distortions due to preferences.
“Beauty Contests” and final onsite tests of the remaining providers helped to get a practical impression of the solutions offered, as well as to get to know the working methods and the “DNA” of the providers.